

Final dash! Well all I had to do for this WSQ  was to show my schedule for finals. Usually I write all I have to do on a notebook, then I cross it with a very satisfying feelling when it is done.

And well, here is that schedule, of couse, almost everithing is DONE! And I feel like it’s over, but there are still final exams. Good luck for everyone!



Well, in this WSQ we needed tp ask the user for the accuracy of the e constant and then print the number of decimals that the user put. I had problems trying to make the code to generate e, but I found help in a friend’s code.

This is a screenshot of that code working:


Link to GitHub: https://github.com/tonygarciavz/A01630861-TC1017/blob/master/WSQ14



Yes, as all the students in the TEC we didn’t have time to do every project simultaneously, we had to take decisions and choose what was the things we had to do first in order to get the best grades we could.

We started this project like three weeks ago, but other projects where there too, and those where like 40% of our final grade so it is obvious what we decided to do.

There was only one post about our final project, so we decided to upload a video (in spanish, sorry Ken for that), explaining what happened these weeks.

We worked since monday on this code, our programming enviroment was set since the begining of the parcial, so we only had to search for some instructions to use Magick++, and then put our hands on it.

Here is our video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA9tRWy8A5A

A screenshot of the code working:


And here the code on GitHub: https://github.com/kenwbauer/TC101F15_Team21/blob/master/FinalProject